Business Interruption Insurance & Claims: Questions & Answers

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Chapter 8

Q8. 1

Using sophisticated modelling, it is possible to determine the accurate Rate of Gross Profit for all businesses in a single industry, which is accurate enough to rely upon when setting the Sum Insured or Declared Value under a Business Interruption policy.

Q8. 2

Architects, accountants, actuaries, lawyers and other similar ‘office’ risks would have an indicative Rate of Gross Profit of around 50% to 60%.

Q8. 3

A copy of the database of indicative Rates of Gross Profit by industry, linked to the ANZSIC codes, is available under an annual licence.

Q8. 4

Two businesses within the one industry could have vastly different rates of insurable Gross Profit.

Q8. 5

A motel that owns and operates its own laundry would, all other things being equal, have a higher rate of insurable Gross Profit than one that outsources their laundry.

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